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It is my intent to re-awaken the human heart to its highest vibration, perhaps slow down for a moment, and connect with the reality of oneness.

In my Art-Studio, I focus on creating and exhibiting paintings that express the beauty, mystery and spirit in the world that still exists around us. In these times of chaos, (human and electronic), I feel it is vital for spiritual and cultural survival to quiet the mind and body which keeps us in touch with nature, of which we are a part.

My paintings in the fantasy and mystic genres express images from dreams or meditations. Tranquility and peacefulness are subjects I wish to dwell upon and capture in my paintings. I have a deep respect for all life and believe we are completely interconnected. Animals, plants, rocks, and all the elements are but one, we are all made of the same things and how we treat all of life has an immediate effect on our own.

The human race has the power to protect the earth and all its creatures. The many gifts of the earth’s resources that keep us all alive will not last forever if we do not respect and treasure them. As long as greed and power continue to fog our vision, there will be little left for future generations.

I am a San Francisco Bay Area Artist. My passion for painting began at an early age earning me several awards in watercolor and acrylic. As a self-taught painter, I studied through experimentation and by reading many books on different painting techniques. My love of nature’s beauty is my major motivation. I am a member of the WCA / FACED (Women’s Caucus for Art /Feminist Art Caucus for Educational Diversity). www.nats.org

I find great pleasure in studying many artists and find inspiration in the paintings and illustrations of my favorite ones such as Michael David Ward, Michael Parkes, Josephine Wall, Robert Lyn Nelson, Jody Bergsma, Maxfeild Parrish, and Amy Brown. I paint in a variety of styles and subjects including realism, fantasy and spirituality. I enjoy the freedom of creativity and the variations that often come with it from painting to painting. Commissioned works also vary in subject matter encompassing seascapes, dreamy landscapes and intimate portraits. My paintings usually incorporate a variety of medium and tools within each work, for example: the textures of trees and rocks are palette knifed with modeling paste, fine portraits in alla prima or layers of glazes, gel mediums add light and translucency to sky and water.


 Sacco-Belli Art Studio
LOOK, It's All Around Us
Beauty, Mystery and Spirit in the World

Purchase Prints of my paintings


Fine Art America 

Available: Canvas Print - Framed Print - Art Print
Poster - Metal Print - Acrylic Print -Wood Print

Prices Range - $14 - $336
Size Range - 6"x8" - 48"x32"
The watermark
will not be on the print that you order.



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A New Beginning

This painting is dedicated to my dear friend Stanley Maxwell Brice (3/22 1936-Jan.21/2023), an amazing prolific realist artist whose paintings were exquisite and detailed to perfection. I send up to him a deep soulful howl of love and admiration. I picture him as an emerging new light/star and hope that his soul will return to bless the world once again with his presence and talent.


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Hope/On the Good Red Road

This is a painting honoring the vision of the Sioux Chief Black Elk. His wish was to save his people / community from being killed, stripped of their culture and ceremonies and moved to reservations. Sadly, like most Native Americans Nations, he was not able to do so. In his vision Black Elk ascended into the sky to a rainbow covered Lodge where he met the six Grandfathers//Wisemen each representing the 6 powers of the Universe: The Four Sacred Directions: 1. West, 2. North, 3. East, 4. South, 5. Father Sky and 6. Mother Earth. The six grandfathers are symbolized in this painting by the six feathers. Each grandfather offered him gifts that bestowed power to heal his Nation and to eventually bring together in peace and harmony all the peoples of the World. The Dancing / Flowering Tree of life in the Center of the painting represents a healthy and restored Sioux Nation, their Sun Dance ceremony, and the Unity of All races living as enlightened Brothers and Sisters. The 8-pointed star represents what is called "Star knowledge" and is a symbol of peace. The arrow, and the burning stick, symbolize the two directions people can choose in life. The burning stick represents the fire/heart/Spirituality of the Sioux people, called the "Good Red Road", the direction North to South which is the Spiritual Road where one connects with the "Source/ and one's highest self which considers the greater whole for all. The Black Road runs West to East and represents the physical /material world "everyone for themselves", a path of troubles and war. Where the two roads cross is considered Sacred. It represents that in life we must consider and determine our actions on both levels of existence: the material/physical realm, and the unseen Realm of the Spirit which serves the greater good. Both roads give us opportunity for growth/Spiritual elevation. The shape of a Square represents the Earthly Realm, the Circle, the Spiritual Realm. In this painting I chose the symbols and sentiments that I thought would be most relevant in today's world. I share Black Elks hope for Peace among all beings. I hope as we Spiritually evolve, we will eventually respect and honor all our differences without feeling a need to destroy others who live and think differently.


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Sky Messenger and the Sacred Wind Spirits

The Medicine Wheel (Sacred Hoop) represents All of Creation united together as relatives. It is a map of our physical existence within the Universe. It has many variations depending on the Nation but has been used for generations for health, healing, personal balance and Harmony with all life. Some of the components of the Medicine wheel are the four Sacred directions (East, South, West and North), the circle of life in all its stages from childhood to old age, the cycle of seasons and time of day, the four colors of man (red, yellow, black and white) and incorporate all the Kingdoms (the winged, 2 and 4 legged, those that swim, crawl, the plants, rocks and mountains). As the artist my statement is as follows: In the Center of our Being, we share One Great Spirit/Life Force. Whether we have wings to fly or walk with 2 or 4 legs, have fins or are rooted in the ground, we share this one life giving mysterious source and its greatest power is Love!


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  Light, Beauty and Delight Intertwined

A beautiful Native American woman with feathers in her flowing hair is surrounded by colorful blue throated hummingbirds, one of which is hovering directly in front of her. The mood of the painting is gentle and warm depicted by the use of soft orange and yellow colors highlighted with cobalt blue throughout the painting. In this composition, I wish to express how completely Interconnected we all are, not just human beings, but All Nature: the animals, birds, plants . Everything existing on Mother Earth has a specific purpose and is needed for the Balance and survival of us all. We are made out of the same elements and depend on the warmth of the sun and the resources Mother Earth to live. It is vital that we honor and respect the planet and all living creatures upon her for they are our relatives, and without them the balance erodes . We already see this happening with global warming, weather changes due to pollution, and disappearing forests and natural habitats. Species are dying and becoming extinct. There is still much beauty in the world, let us do our best individually to preserve our environment and remember all life is beautiful and precious, we need each other.

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The Shaman

This is a painting of a Male Shaman with accompanying Spirit guides


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Stormy Times/Messengers from Wakan Tanka

A Southwest/Native American art themed portrait containing within it a beautiful woman wrapped in a colorful blanket, a hawk flies behind her and there is a Buffalo at her side. There are stormy clouds in the background and some distant mountains. This painting expresses my deep concern for Mother Earth and for all life upon her. The expression on the faces within the painting express combinations of anger, disappointment and sadness for the many things that have been happening on the Planet for the last few years, with 2020 being especially difficult with covid 19. There is great disharmony and imbalance in the world. In order to save our planet and ourselves people must work together to turn around the environmental disaster we have already entered into. Without honorable leadership in the Government the world will continue to unravel. Pollution is increasing creating unhealthy environments, global warming, severe weather, earthquakes and a general feeling of desperateness as more and more people are without jobs and the basic necessities needed for life. Native Americans prophesized that these problems would arise in dominant society many years ago. In Native American Spirituality Everything is considered Sacred and Honored, All Life Matters: animate and inanimate. There are lessons to be learned from everything around us if we can listen with an open heart. If we can see more like the Hawk, from a higher vintage point and perspective, we can become more understanding, compassionate and tolerant. The shrillness of a Hawk’s cry is piercing, inviting us to wake up from our own state of unawareness where we only see our own personal problems but not the struggles of others. Hawk asks us to look within to seek a higher truth, to see beyond our own noses, to imagine what it would be like to walk in someone else’s moccasins. How we treat the Earth and the life upon her has consequences for us all. The lesson from Buffalo is gratitude, being thankful for that which has been given, not to take more than one needs or squander and waste precious resources from the Earth. Buffalo teaches that to create peace, balance and serenity amidst chaos, one must pray in earnest for enlightenment and for the wellness of everyone and everything as we are completely interwoven.


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Life Force/The Great Mystery

There is Life Force in everything:seen, unseen, animate and inanimate. Mind, Matter, Soul and Spirit are but different layers of the same energy. This powerful force is circulatory, it transforms and interchanges with everything else.


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Spirit Flight

The Eagle in American Indian Spirituality represents one who lives not only on the Earthy realm, but also simultaneously in the realm of Spirit thus enabling one to respond to life from their highest good. One who can see beyond the horizon, one who is always connected to Love.


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Spirit Journey

The painting represents the flight of the free and eternal spirit within us all.

This painting is from my book: 'The Great Spirit Says' (a rainbows warrior's journey) available from Balboa Press www.balboapress.com which was released Jan. 2012.


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The Honorable Path of the Peaceful Warrior

Through the use of several American Indian symbols, this painting represents the Circle of Life. The large teal colored design is a symbol of The Great Spirit in Manifestation, very similar to the yin/yang symbol). As we travel through life we become wiser and fight our own wars within ourselves, trying to conquer those attitudes and behaviors in life that do not serve us well. This process has been called the honorable path of the peaceful warrior. The frogs in American Indian Spirituality represent transformation.

This painting is from my book: '
The Great Spirit Says' (a rainbows warrior's journey) available from Balboa Press www.balboapress.com which was released Jan. 2012.


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Cliffs End

This is a scene from Sausalito California which is only about 35 minutes from my home. I was struck by the beautiful colors of the sea that day, and the foam spurting up from out of the waves. I have never done another seascape, but I am very grateful for that day which stirred the inspiration from with-in to create this one.


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Fairy's Mount

This beautiful Water Fairy reveals herself for just a brief moment. Bright and glittering she appears at the corner of your eye while you rest beside the cool refreshing waterfall. Then suddenly she disappears just as your eyes start to focus on her. Was she really there?


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The Center

'The Center" is a Sacred Geometry painting honoring the Spirituality of many American Indian cultures, The painting though color, texture and form tries to represent various components of the Sacred Center/Cosmos or Great Spirit.The Center symbol is called Wakan-Tanka meaning the Great Everything. It is also your source, your wholeness, your everything. It is the 'eye of the soul'. American Indian Shamans regarded the eye as the window of the soul through which the consciousness looked out onto what was manifested, The Center is where all motion is in perfect balance and where all directions are held in equilibrium.Some of the other Components represented in the painting are: 1. the four Great principals of life-Life, Law, Light and Love. 2. The element: Aether' is indicated, it being the source element-the undifferentiated formless substance which contains all the other elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth. 3. the Sacred directions of North, South, East and West with their proper symbolic colors. 4. The primary forces: Vibratory (the symbol being a straight line), Life Force (spiral), Electro-magnetic force (waves attracting/repulsing) and Intermolecular Force, (centripetal, centrifugal).Lastly, the Four Kingdoms are indicated: Human, Animal, Plant and Mineral.


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We Are One

This is a painting symbolizing the Unity or Oneness of life.This includes the Four Kingdoms: human, animal, plant and mineral.

This painting is from my book: '
The Great Spirit Says' (a rainbows warrior's journey) available from Balboa Press www.balboapress.com which was released Jan. 2012.


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To Unknown Woods

This is a path amongst the Redwood trees in Muir woods. It is one of my favorite places to be. I am always rejuvenated after walking there, smelling the forest and touching the Trees. The Redwoods are my favorite trees, and they have much to teach us about the circle of life and the Oneness that we all are.


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Return To Center

Return to center represents the ability to hear ones own highest self. To hear the voice of wisdom and Unity-The great Spirit or God that dwells in us all.


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Mist's Domain

Gentle fog obscures the rocky cliffs above the pounding Monterey Ocean shore. The sound of the waves below and the soft cool mist upon my face drew me inwards and closer yet to the Knowing of our Eternal Oneness with All that is.


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The Road Not Taken

This is a hiking trail in California where I live. When I got married my husband and I walked this trail to a private beautiful place in the forest about another hour from this spot. We were married by a Pastor and his wife under a canopy of Redwood trees with the light filtering down from above. We did not take the whole trail, but we had gone just far enough to be married with all of Nature around us, only the plants and animals were our audience as we wanted a nature/natural cathedral.


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This painting represents our earthly experience; our life time on the planet Earth. We can choose many paths during our time here, thus learning many lessons along the way. We have the opportunity to discover our true nature and to help the Evolution of all mankind by becoming aware of our Eternal Spirit within-Our Highest Self.


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Love's Mystic Falls

This is a stream in Vermont I came across on a cross country trip. I initially stopped there for a short lunch, but did not end up leaving for hours! The water and the surroundings put me in a wonderfully serene hypnotic state ,I fell quickly asleep. When I awoke it was too late to paint anything, so I took a photo snap shot in the hopes that I could recapture this magical place when I returned to California.


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The Wisest Pine

This tree struck me in particular because of it's Feminine shape. It looks so Motherly, warm and inviting to sit beside. I do know that some trees are male and female--like the avocado for instance. This pine tree was the most human looking tree I had ever come across. It was very unique and thus had to be painted, so I could remember it's lovely curves.


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Rustling Cadmium

In the 90's I took a cross country trip in a rented Van from California to Albion New York. My intent was to see the Fall colors that appear more vividly in the East than here in the West. I came across this beautiful spot and had to paint it, the colors just took my breath away.


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Afternoon Escape

When I was young I loved to fish. My brother and I spent hours in similar such places as this painting depicts. This is a scene from my mind that pictures memories from my childhood, a time without computers, a slower time of good old fashion fun.


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  Morning Star

In Native American Culture, symbols are most often depictions of natural phenomena, celestial bodies, and animal designs for example. The 8 pointed star represents a SYMBOL OF HOPE. The number 8 is important one, in terms of achieving balance. Many Native Americans call this HOPE SYMBOL, The Star of Understanding or One Has Star Knowledge.

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Basking in the Realms of Eternity

This is an honorary painting of my beloved Mom who crossed over/passed away in 2013. I see her now in the Spirit world resting in peace watching over all those she loves. I depicted her radiating ( from her crown chakra) her individual colors or "soul star"; her unique vibration or spirit energy, now visible as light and color, much like our personal rainbow. There is also symbolism in the painting as well. Butterflies are a symbol for transformation. A swan is a symbol for love and for God, it also stands for solitude, music and poetry, all the things she loved. The color white in the swan and her body represents sincerity, she was a very sincere and honest being. This is my tribute to her and the way I wish to picture her for the rest of my days . Hope this painting brings peace to any of you who have had a loved one cross over too---they are in a beautiful eternal place! Peace to you. Warmly, Jeanette Sacco-Belli


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Shaman Sight-Eternal new Beginnings

This painting depicts the internal sight/wisdom of a Native American Shaman/Medicine man. The image shows the Ancient knowledge of our Oneness with all life--the two legged, four legged, the winged and those that crawl and swim as well as the planets. The painting incorporates the four elements in the process of becoming as well as the six sacred directions. When our Earth Walk is completed, we all return to our true selves--that of eternal Spirit.


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Aether and the Great Feminine Force

This paintings represents the feminine forces in Nature: Mother Earth, Sister moon, the human female figure, Yin. Aspects of the Feminine Force are: nurturing, giving, intuitiveness, holistic, creative, giving, renewing. Aether is the formless undifferentiated substance which has been called the "Source Element". This Element contains the other elements within it (Earth, Wind, Fire and Water). Aether is called the" Breath of The Great Spirit, out of the Void/no-thing ALL is Created. Our center or Highest self with-in us, is a part of The Great Spirit:Timeless, Formless, Eternal. We are No-thing and Everything in the Great Circle of Life.


Art Resources

Cheap Joe's Art Stuff
Daniel Smith Art Materials
Dick Blick's Art Supplies
Nova Color
Sinopia Pigments & Materials
Tap Plastics (glass and plexiglass)

Huge thank you to Bruce Gibson Holcomb for taking such lovely photographs of paintings that truly capture how they look in real life.
Bruce does Fine Art, Publicity, Glamor, Portrait, Physique and Portfolios.
You may reach him at: (650) 952-8470, or at visit his studio at 154 W 25th Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403.

© 1996-2023, Sacco-Belli Studios - Belmont, CA U.S.A. - Phone: (650) 759-7970