
Anika Krishnan |
I started singing in
a professional childrens choir at the age of 7, and for
years, I sang in a manner that didnt harness my sound properly,
as a singer with a dark timbre, stuck in the inflexible Alto
Land. It was Jeanette who expanded the horizons in characterizing
my voice properly (Youre more of a Soprano,
she said!). Starting from my Sophomore year of High School (four
years ago), Jeanette has played an integral role in my vocal
development, in that she has encouraged me to perform without
the fear of failure, has taught me how to sing healthier (using
vocal pedagogy), and has ignited my passion for classical music.
After only a few months of studying with Jeanette, I performed
as a soloist in the Sydney Opera House. Shes truly passionate
about the art of singing and helping others blossom into beautiful
songbirds! With her emphasis on technique and expression, she
has taught me and others how to develop unique artistry based
on emotions and delicately controlled sound. Under her tutelage,
I have grown tremendously as a singer, and I know I will continue
to grow with the thorough education and guidance she provides.
Moreover, Jeanette has helped me through several auditions, which
has allowed me to join my University Chamber Choir, Operettas,
the National American Choral Directors Association Honor Choir,
and perform multiple solo pieces. The care she has for her students,
specifically their well-being and vocal health, is truly extraordinary
and unmatched by anything Ive experienced. Thanks to Jeanette,
I look forward to pursuing a Minor in Music, and the journey
towards becoming the best, healthiest singer I can be (with Jeanette
as my teacher, of course)! I recommend Jeanette to anyone who
loves to sing, is serious about developing their craft, and is
eager to learn from a brilliant artist and teacher! ~ Anika Krishnan |